Feb 27, 2009 19:13

Today is my most fucked up day at work.

Our group was dissolved due to the fucking wretched retrenchment. No, we didn’t receive the pink slip, but we were assigned (or scattered) to different channels. Like majority of the production employees, we’re now under the merch group, which makes all the plugs for the shows.

Our now former group, Local Sports Production, was the one assigned to do sports programs (Sports Desk, Finish Line, House of Hoops, etc.) and cover events sponsored or organized by Solar Sports or BTV. That means no more out-of-town shoots, front row seats to major sporting events, interviews with renowned sports personalities, and picture taking with Ms. Earth candidates.

While we’re still thankful that we still have regular jobs, the thought of starting from scratch and leaving what we’ve gotten used to for almost three years now is, well, fucked up.

And I’m the one who was fucked the worst.

Among the seven of us, I clearly got the bad end of the, as the supervisors said, “take it or leave it” deal. Gelo and James were assigned to BTV, Pierre and Kristian were assigned to Solar Sports, and Crosby and Ogie were assigned to Jack TV. Me? I was assigned to C/S Origin. Yes. Say it aloud with me (with your best Ari Gold impression): WHAT THE FUCK?

The six of them were robbed of all their money and valuables. I was robbed of all my money and valuables and was anally fucked by the mugger who turned out to be gay. That’s how I feel.

I have nothing against the hardworking people behind the channel, I just honestly don’t have any inclination towards the programs on C/S Origin. If I was transferred to Jack TV, then I really wouldn’t feel fucked-up since most of my favorite shows are there. But C/S Origin? Come on. I can’t even name three shows from that channel. Heroes? I’m not even sure if that’s still on C/S Origin. I don’t even watch Heroes! So what? Cut my head off.

Just to be clear, I genuinely appreciate the fact that our supervisors fought for us during their meeting with the management, who wanted to kick us out. I completely understand that this is still a business. At the end of the day, what’s important is that we still get something every 15th and 30th of the month. But still, the surprise “dispersal draft” (sports terms just won’t leave my vocabulary) is a bitter pill to swallow.

Me being shipped to C/S Origin is like giving Michael Jackson a teaching job at an all-boys primary school. It just doesn’t feel right. It’s a fucked up idea. It’s like going on a first date with intense diarrhea. It’s really fucked up. It’s like all these stupid analogies.

But then again, I really have no choice right now but to comply and be thankful that I’m still here. I’m just rambling right now. What happened hasn’t really sunk in yet. Pardon my incoherence. Unfortunately for you, expect more work related rants in the days to come.
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