It is time

Oct 28, 2013 21:47

I'm back here to document it all once more.

Two weeks ago, it was a stress full day. And then we cut pumpkins and I made mine a kitty which has been rotting now for over a week.

I went bowling one night with old friends, Michele, her bf, Nikki and Candace. And I did not win but it was fun to catch up with those I have not seen.

I worked for my old boss on a Saturday whom I have not seen in years. I ran this booth at a church craft sale. And only a few children came. Paul came to sit with me toward the end as I had been dying of boredom. And he helped me to pack it all and fold the tables and carry them. What a prince.

Horrifying sign I did not make.

That night it was Dylan's birthday.

We went here, to the irish pub which i had never been. i liked the decorations in there. it was old and good. i did not eat. after we went to see the movie gravity in the 3d imax . boy was i stressed out by that one at the end. i must have been on the edge of my seat for it's entirety. and feeling like i was there in outer space too.

The night had to end early for I and Paul on account of I was working my other weekend day for my other old boss. I played receptionist at the counter signing everyone in and up for winter promo santa shoots. And then I broke down the set which took many hours. Not before I took my yearly photo shoot my self.

I wore the same shirt as last year. I want to do my own promos in a home studio one day.

Thursday was dinner with my office co workers. Kathy my boss got us hibachi. I got moderately drunk.

Here was Katie framed up on account of it's going into the Noyes Museum for sale.

Along with more of my prints very soon. Friday I ventured to Hammonton to take care of that

I tried many costumes this time

Thrift store trying on with Irena

My good pose

Here was the best result as my best make up and my new lip stick I love so

All of us good and dead

This kiss

Now the parties over the weekend were fun. My favorite was the second.

Finally was the wedding. Yesterday. I can't believe how fine it was.

Congratulations to the new bride and groom who made me almost cry

Some delightful and gay guests join me. You can see my good hair colors here. Of orange and purple

The table settings and also the ring holder

Me with this hairy person

The wedding was beautiful. I don't want to write much any more so maybe later, but for now it's done. I hope them the most happiness and was so happy to share that day with them

I almost like this now. Let it be my enemy and my friend
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