"The Buggers are legal now, what more are they after"? as the song goes... or rather ends.
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They are definitely after more, much more.
As an orchestrated Western pro-gay campaign -- ostensibly in response to the Russian anti-gay propaganda law -- shows, they do not only want to get up to their usual business, cum towels and wanking to gay porn when all alone and whatever else they get up to when one on one (literally) or even gang on gang, they also -- and maybe even more so -- want to proselytize, to spread the word, to promote their way of life, to convert or force others to their worldview, especially youngsters below the age of consent and to spread their sexual practices, one presumes in the hope of ultimately bringing an end to the human race by making all breeders extinct or perhaps even outlawing them eventually.
They are not just GAY (good as you are), with every look and every fart they give you the impression that they are Better than You are.
British and American buggers and dykes (to use the language of the song above) are the most obnoxious and pushy lot, although their numbers have actually been declining. Those numbers are now at an all time low, even in the bugger-infested... err... sorry.. gay-friendly Britain, at about 10 percent of the population, a far cry from the near 50% reported in the late 1970s and 80s - during the gay boom, while those who remain tend to be growing old. The AIDS epidemic has also taken its toll on the gay (especially) and lesbian community and served to drive down their numbers even lower. Also, gay lifestyle not as appealing to, or popular with, the young people of today as they may have been in the latter part of the past century.
And that could be and probably is a part of the explanation too -- they need an infusion of young blood, they need new young converts and recruits to sustain their dwindling numbers in the West, to facilitate getting sexual gratification and that's where the Russian anti-gay propaganda law comes in and upsets them no end as it outlaws gay propaganda targeted at minors.
But the tragedy is that the West's gays and lesbians are also getting unashamedly used and abused by their own governments, especially by the British government and by the U.S. government, as well as by the international multinational capitalists, by the big business, by the Bilderbergs and by the Western gay pedophile elites with HQ at the BBC and Whitehall and in the House of Reps and the Senate in Washington, DC as well as by the corrupt and either government- run or government-affiliated Western media. They use this situation with the Russian anti-gay propaganda law partly as a way to turn the attention of the populace away from their own mounting and unsolvable problems and as an excuse and a pretext to engage in Russia bashing and also in their probing but crude attempts to cause some problems to Russia.
If it were not that it would be something else as it has been going on and on -- for centuries really... ad nauseum.
That it is just a hollow phony politically motivated campaign can be seen in that the Western plutocracies are still happily making deals with Saudi Arabia and other despotias in the Middle East, even though the LGBT rights are almost non-existent there and in fact same sex practices are outlawed and punishable by death, while Pakistan, where gays face stoning to death, is a member of the British commonwealth as is Nigeria where gays face certain death but Britain's gays and lesbians and the Stephen Fry whores of this world aren't calling for them to be expelled from the British Commonwealth or even banned from international sporting events.
Purposefully oblivious to all that, Britain's Cameron has even gone on a world wide mission to bring gay marriage to every country in the world.
Do you really think he gives a dick's toss about gay marriage? Of course not, they are just exploiting the LGBT community for propaganda value and it is just another campaign to paint Britain as a safe-haven for gays and lesbians (even though gay numbers are down even in Britain) in the hope of attracting and enticing the most talented members of the gay and lesbian community worldwide and using those communities elsewhere as a tool to achieve the ignoble political ends of the British government.
The (nominal) Anglo-Saxons, formerly the self-appointed masters of the world but now in their death throes -- the United States and the United Kingdom -- think that the gay and lesbian rights is one of the few remaining areas where they still may have an edge over their competitors such as China or India whose development really squeezes out and even chokes the US and Britain because China and India's steadily growing prosperity is incompatible with the US and Britain's continuing and debilitating grip on the world or even with their continuing existence as what they are now.
However the world does not need to be unduly worried - Britain and the United States and their gay and lesbian puppets will undoubtedly fail in this too, as they have failed in everything else :) It is just a matter of time :)
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Note: I wish to state that I mean no disrespect to honest and thinking gays and lesbians in the United Kingdom and the United States who do not take part in government instigated propaganda campaigns, who are able to see them for what they are and who know that homo- and heterosexuals have one enemy in common - the current plutocratic British and U.S. governments.