Aug 16, 2008 11:17
Your heart is racing, who are you standing next to?
Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne (of course, I know he's Batman).
Ever received a kinky text message?
Not that I recall.
Have you ever been in trouble with the cops?
No, I've been close, though. Breaking into an elementary school is bad.
Person you'd travel across the country to see?
Family and friends. Probably only for someone I haven't seen in awhile.
Someone just handed you $100,000 now what?
I'm locking it up in a CD so it can gain interest while I think of all the things I desperately need. Like paying for grad school. And paying for that 60,000 dollar electricity bill.
Tears are falling from your face, what's the reason?
I'm probably watching a movie. I almost always cry at movies now. I blame the birth control.
You go into k-mart and have $20 to spend, what do you buy?
Shoes. Chumley's eaten all my shoes. And maybe a box of Nature Valley granola bars. The fruit and nut kind are the best. I used to love K-Mart as a kid.
You're able to go back in time and change one thing, what is it?
Dying my hair. Although, it was fun to see it in various colors, and it satisfied my quench for change, I am now dealing with the consequences.
You've won free gas for 5 years, Now what?
I make room in my budget for something fun! Like clothes. Or hair cuts.
You have to walk home from school, how long does it take?
Probably several hours. I live closer to school now - maybe a 10 to 15 minute drive...but I speed, and I walk slow so yes, many, many hours.
When someone calls you in the middle of the night, do you remember the conversation?
Sort of. Lauren called me at 5 A.M one time to ask if I'd go into work for her at ten. I said no...then later I vaguely recalled the conversation, but had to ask her for confirmation.
Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming?
I knew someone in elementary school that came from Wyoming. Accent and all.
Have you ever been out past curfew?
I never had a curfew. But I never did anything but go over to Lauren's to watch movies. Now I've put a curfew on myself. I'm old and need a bedtime.
What are you doing tomorrow?
Either taking Chumley to the lake, seeing Batman 2, or doing something else fun along those lines. I also have to take care of my dad's beast-dog starting tomorrow.
Do you like fish?
As food or as a pet? I like them as food. And they're interesting to watch as a pet. But if I were to have fish as pets, I'd get the kind that Japanese restaurants usually have. The big ones. Yeah. Or a really creepy or rare looking fish. Otherwise, it's a waste.
Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Not really, but it's pretty much faded to my natural color. My roots are coming in, and it's about a shades difference.
What color are your socks?
Black with shite Chumley hairs.
When did you last receive some money?
Thursday night when I worked. Yay tips.
What are you craving right now?
Nothing, I'm drinking Dunkin' Donuts coffee. Coffee suppresses your appetite, right?
When was the last time you cried?
Last night while I was watching Batman. I can't get through the scene where Bruce Wayne's parents die without crying.
What is the last voicemail you received about?
Lauren telling me she put me down as a reference and told them that I was a manager. Hah.
What are you going to do after this?
Probably play Warcraft. I should clean, but that probably won't happen.
What is something you need to go shopping for?
Nothing, really. Shoes. But it's not really an emergency. I've been wearing a pair that had their laces chewed off, but who needs laces?
Same name as one of your relatives?
No, my name was chosen after much debate between my mom and dad when my dad finally said "Oh, just pick something!". Charming, isn't it?
What's been different this year?
I settled my incomplete (much to my own relief), I boosted my GPA, I feel better about school, I've decided on a grad school (although, I'm applying to several), I'm actually excited (really excited) for grad school, I have my own house, I have my own dog, I'm poor, poor, poor, and I've discovered after 21 years of living that I like raw tomatoes.
Meet anyone new this year?
A few people in my classes, some people from Warcraft.
Do you like pickles?
Pickles are delicious, although, I don't eat them that often.
What color is your bedroom?
White and strewn with clothes.
Does someone like you now?
I think most of my friends and family like me.
Do you like anyone now?
I like most of my friends and family.
Do you like the color green?
Yes, green is one of my colors.
How many hours did you sleep for last night?
Eightish. I need lots of sleep nowadays.
Ever changed your clothes in a vehicle?
I'm pretty sure I have, although I can't recall when or why. Maybe when I've bought new clothes.
Give me a random lyric from the song you're listening to:
I'm only listening to the sweet hum of a fan, and Chumley gnawing on a bone.
Do you regret doing anything this week?
No, this week has been routine.
Last awkward moment:
Working with the new kid at Canal. He doesn't really speak. And he looks like he's 13.
Name someone you know whose name begins with a C:
It's Craig not Greg...loser.
Would you cry if you found out you were pregnant?
Most definitely.
Have you been pressured to do anything recently?
No, that doesn't happen very often. Except when people ask me to work for them, but that hasn't happened in a long time, either.
Do you hate being alone?
Not really, I can usually entertain myself with computer things. Besides, Chumley's good enough company.
Has anyone ever broken your heart?
Indeed not.
What did you last eat?
Pork chops and pasta salad (my dinner from last night)
Stupid thing you did today?
I've only been awake for three hours.
What did you get up to today?
Chumley barking at seven this morning