(no subject)

Jul 01, 2008 11:39

TIRED I am. Taking chemistry over the summer is probably one of the most exhausting things I've ever done. Thankfully, it's almost over. Now comes the decision whether or not to take second semester chem during the second summer session. Originally, this was an obvious yes, yet now, it's a "can I really handle another four weeks of this insantiy?". If I don't, it's more work for me later.

I've recently discovered that I like tomatoes. All my life it has been no to tomatoes, yes to tomato sauce. Well, tastes buds change even in your twenties. Or maybe it's the fact that my dad has grown beast tomato plants (as tall as me) that produce the most delicious tasting tomatoes I've ever had. I think if I were to buy tomatoes at the store (even though I wouldn't because Salmonella is not my friend) I probably wouldn't like them, or at least not as much. But, I'm sitting here now, eating a bag of home-grown (cherry) tomatoes I picked my self (heavily salted).

Ryan and I have finally gotten the house pretty much together. We spent hours on Sunday night finally packing up his apartment (as it was the last day he could be there) and moved all his wordly posessions (minus his clothes and computer which were already at the house)in a matter of eight hours. We spent the majority of last night reorganizing all the things that we had thrown around, and now have the computer room set up rather nicely. Now we have lots of mystery plastic bags and odds and ends coming out of our ears for which we have no place. But, it feels like a house - better than that, it's all ours, and ours together.

We recently received amazing news regarding Ryan and the new GI Bill getting signed July 4th. It will basically pay Ryan to go to school for his four-year degree. Full tuition, with a stipend of 1400 a month. This basically solves any problems we have encountered or ever will encounter. I was weary about staying with him, because I had this deep-seeded feeling that he would never be able to get to the same place as me. Marrying a person working at a pizza joint was not an option. Now, staying with him (forever, maybe) is a very real option. We've discussed marriage frequently, joke about it, dream about it, get nervous about it, but it's been in both our minds, and now, I have no obvious obstacle in the way of this potential decision. Of course, I'm talking about all this way, WAY too early. If anything happens along those lines, it won't be for another few years. Needless to say, I'm thrilled, almost to tears, and at least know that I'm not slowly breaking my own heart by staying with him.

Chumley is doing swimmingly. He's almost full-size, yet still a puppy in every way (only stronger and faster which means more of a pain for me). I would still like to get another dog, but will probably wait until Ryan get's set up for school. (On that note - he and I will both be UA students! It has long been a dream of mine to go to class with my boyfriend - lawl, how sad).

I'd add pictures of the house and Chumley, however lost my camera cord adapter, which will most likely be lost forever. It's an old camera, what's the liklihood that they still make adapters?
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