Woot had nothing good for my birthday

Jun 11, 2006 22:27

but I got a one-of-a-kind jamba juice today because the dude realized I was having trouble decided so he made his own combo for me. and it was good. it had the tartness of a strawberry surfrider, meaning lemonade, which I love. I also sensed vanilla yogurt and pineapple. he wouldn't tell me what was in it, however.

there's way too much to express.

Last week I realized that knowledge is not power. knowledge is nothing. at least in this circumstance. the dependability of a thing is always reliant upon the circumstance/situation it is related to. and when it comes to believing, knowledge is nothing. People can know, given facts, that a certain thing is 'right or wrong,' but when it comes to their own opinion on the matter, their belief is paramount. For instance, you can fantasize about your crush liking you all you want, knowing that they actually don't, but believing that they do for your own satisfaction and entertainment. imagination is more influential to belief than knowledge is: 'imagination, life is your creation.' and it is. the world could be falling apart around you, but with your imagination you can retreat into the woods with your imagination and enter another time where dress like a queen and oversee the jousting in the ring below. knowledge is only power when you wish to act upon that which you are knowledgeable. and even then you won't have power unless you have people beside you. but, knowledge can give you the power over a situation if you think with only your mind-- pragmatically. (I don't have time to develop/sort these ideas. will later)

Marianne asked me a question that her father had asked her. it is: "With being in a city, won't you finally see how insignificant you are?" And my answer is: "No. it shows you how much more significant you are." This is because you see around you just how important every person is. how it takes the biggest of the bosses to the food runners to run a city. it takes ever one of the people to run the city. when people leave the restaurant, I say Thank You because with their business the restaurant is in business, meaning I am, meaning I can put money back in to our economy market, meaning I will continue to be able to rely on the market for my material needs. and most respond with an equal Thank You because they understand this concept as well.

and once again the answer depends on the circumstance. In the city, I feel significant. in our large galaxy, I feel immensely insignificant. but I know everything small effects the big picture.

I was in a butterfly conservatory and I have never felt so materialistic, dirty and low because of a human status. For the first time, I looked at humans as being lower than the intelligent life that they are. I saw us as the unsatisfied pigs that strive to discover every aspect-- to bring every kernel of life into the light. yet I look around and know that all we create is utterly magnificent. there's a simply water bottle cap on the table: the groves on the rim, the coloring of the plastic, the machine's we made and programmed to make the cap itself is amazing. why should we not be proud of what we create? I am proud, but we manipulate the simple things of life. some of the magnificent things we create end up destroying what surrounds us-- life. destroying life?....

How about instead we destroy the evils of the world like manipulation and politics. why manipulate something? just to see what kind of power you can have over it? just to see exactly how far limits can be pushed? just let things run their own course. and politics... without that life would be so much easier. people would learn to cooperate amongst themselves for their own survival. but then I think of people these days and they're all so fucking pathetic. they haven't got a brain within them it'd seem. just look at the losers on myspace. most strive for attention. what the fuck do you need attention for? what does popularity do for you? I'd really like to know because I simply don't understand.

I realized in the museum today that I am tired of studying people. it's boring when they're so typical. I'd much rather study the life besides us.
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