I've only just joined,

Apr 16, 2008 01:38

but I am so glad to find this community exists. Now, I have a question for you, and I don't know if it is entirely appropriate for the community, however I can but try.

I have a good friend who was addicted to WoW for about a year, and gradually became more and more (insert various problems like depression and panic attacks etc) anti-social. I've seen this happen to a few people, but only aquaintences, never somebody I really cared about. He was introduced to it by his girlfriend at time, and eventually his problems came between them, and the way I see it, that was WoW that broke them up, indirectly.

Now he has started playing again (after about a year off it) and, coincidentally, seeing that same girl again. I don't want to lose him to this stupid F*cking game again, and I think we almost lost him from the world altogether last time.

My question to you people who have also dealt with WoW addicts, is it really fair to try and intervene? I'm not his girlfriend, just a good friend. And also, is there any hope? Do people just relapse back in to the game? Is it worth investing my time and energy, or does WoW always win over people in real life?
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