I never got to finish my 30 days of awesome female characters meme, mostly because I am lazy, but the other half of my list are still pretty damn awesome women, so I figured I should just finish it now anyway.
17. Britta Perry (Community)
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OH GOOD. IF YOU HADN'T WE MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO BE FRIENDS ANYMORE. I love seasons 1 - 4. Season 5, not so much, but that's mostly because I am extremely dubious about Steven Moffat's ability to write female characters. And also because Russell T Davies is amazing. And I actually like River Song in s5 - her introduction as the Doctor's allerged wife just felt very incongruous with the progression of the fourth season's story as a whole. I mean, the next episode is Rose's return and the Doctor has been pining for her for all of 1.5 seasons ... you'd think there'd be a better time to introduce River Song. ANYWAY.
Which is where your shipping Casey/Sarah comes in, I suppose! Because Casey does ... get that. You don't feel like Sarah has to give up something to be with him? I don't know. It's all making a lot more sense to me now.
Haha, I think I heard about it, vaguely. And speaking of shows Summer Glau is in, I feel the distinct need to rewatch Firefly and Serenity. WHY DO I HAVE SO LITTLE TIME IN A DAY??? Also, I may have mentioned this to you before, but Summer has a VERY distinctive forehead.
I love ALL OF THEM. Including season five. (Actually, the first episode of s5 is on tv right now) I really don't care for Ten/Rose and it's not like River was suddenly a love interest so it didn't really seem strange to me. She is my favorite thing about season five.
YES, WE HAVE DISCUSSED HER FOREHEAD. I constantly feel the need to rewatch Firefly. But then I think I shouldn't be rewatching things I've already seen when I have such a long list of things that need watching.
Sacrilege! Just kidding. I love Rose/Doctor, but yeah, River is the best thing about season five. Actually not a huge fan of Rory and Amy, but you know. I'm probably a bit prejudiced. (MOFFATMOFFATMOFFAT) Although, Sherlock has been good, have you watched it? :) Sometimes when I rewatch season 1 of DW though, I miss Christopher Eccleston like crazy. It's the big ears and nose. Makes him rather adorable.
Meh. I love rewatching things, because it's comfortable and familiar, and makes me happy, like a pretty, baggy sweater. True story. I'm rewatching season 1 of Fringe at the moment - or at least I was before uni started, boo - and FEELING NO GUILT.
I liked Nine/Rose but then it got so dramatic and she JUST KEPT COMING BACK.
Ah, see I'm prejudiced too but in the exact opposite way. I liked Sherlock. Nine is still my favorite.
I love re-watching things too. You notice new things. Have rewatched season 9 of Smallville at least five times in the last four months. But my OTP is perfect and disgustingly beautiful so I have little desire to jump into something new.
I DO. I KNOW. No, it helps when people TELL ME TO WATCH THINGS REPEATEDLY. Tumblr has talked me into several shows that way.
Smallville, hey. My friend talked me through it in high school biology when it was first on, but I have not actually watched. Hm.
I stopped watching it after the first season because I was constantly yelling at the screen (which only makes sense when the creator says things like this. New people took over so it's fine now.) but it's currently half-way through it's last season so I got caught up and the last two seasons have been wonderful. NO BUT REALLY LOOK AT THEM. ALSO. I know you haven't watched Terminator: TSCC. but one of the guys on that show who hates cyborgs IS A TERMINATOR ON SMALLVILLE. Best casting choice ever.
Terminator! That's what I was planning on watching over the holidays. I also have half a season of Lost that I was going to watch. Should I add Smallville to my list? I keep seeing you post pretty spams of it on tumblr. :P
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