(no subject)

Dec 30, 2006 21:23

2006 Survey
Answer the questions as they apply to the past year.

Age you turned: Eighteen
Did you grow?: got more out of shape if that's possible? According to family I got taller?
School/Work: RHS/ SuperStore
IM Screen name(s): Kyle[insert rainbow followed by random nick]
Best birthday gift: CLONE HIGH SEASON 1
Best Christmas/holiday gift: Gift Certificates for Mall/clothes, I can get no better gift than the one of fashion!
Most important thing you learned: Not too stretch myself too thin, be weary of strangers...
Did your physical appearance change?:  probably not that much, haircuts, skin clearing maybe? less angry eyebrows? whiter teeth? Loss of disgusting disfiguration?
Did you, personally change?: Grew up a bit I do believe, definetely more adventurous, more social (I actually go out and hang otu with friends!!!!!), more independent and through this  more dependent, an  most importantly grew a backbone, at least a small one.
Best month(s): the summer!
Worst month(s): I dunno
Best friend(s): I don't really have a list of like best friends, I have all kinds of categories of friends. (like NSSSA friends, Drama friends, girlfriends, lovers, haters, ya know the deal)
New friend(s): too many to count!
Lose any friends?: Well, not exactly, just not as close as we used to be... 
Lose any family members?: I dont think
Any new family members?: Nope
Most influential person(s): I don't really know who I would say makes the biggest influence on me.
Five people you started talking to: Megg(basically), All the NSSSA(out of CBV) people, Poli Sci kids, some of the footloose kids, and some other randoms.

Have any crushes?: Quite a few
How many relationships?: none, I have unfortunately been a bachelor
Longest relationship: /
Shortest relationship:  /
Status at the beginning of the year: Single.
Status now: Single
Status you want/ed to be: not single
Have any regrets?: None really come to mind
Did you fall in love?: Thought some things could be love, but nope.

Sports played/joined: --
Clubs joined: I don't think I joined any  new ones, so I won't list the ones I'm in, it stresses me.
Other activities (arts, drama, music, etc): Drama classes, and the Drama fest
Quit/drop any sports?: No
Quit/drop any clubs?: not officially
Any sports, clubs, or activites you wish you joined?: yeah but have no time for them
Wish you quit?: not really

Did you party?: a lil
Did you throw any parties?: A couple
Vacations: Disney world in march, and some within provionce trips
Best winter event: getting coffees/mall/ski hill/movies
Best spring event: drama fest
Best summer event: duck pond/boardwalk
Best autumn event: mall/movies
Ever sneak out?: No
Get in any fights?: Not really, I tend to avoid drama
Any "firsts"? (first time trying things, going places, etc): First boy-boy date, it was kinda terrible but a big thing for me, oh and first trip to leather and lace! First time drinking, first time smoking pot

Plans for the new year?:Graduate, travel across the province, spend more time with friends, worry less, stress less
Hopes for the new year?: none really
New Years Resolution: get back to the gym, spend more time with friends, meet more new people
Goals you want to accomplish: Get through the last little bit of high school without losing friends
Anything you're putting behind you?: petty issues 
Age you will turn: NINETEEN BABY!
Going anywhere?: Across the province
What changes do you want to make?: get in shape


2006 is OVER
In 2006, did you...
fall in love with someone that was just a friend?: not really no
fall in love at all?: nope
lose any friends?: kind of
make any new friends?: fo sho
make any new enemies?: probably, but hopefully not.
develop any new hobbies?: yeah, livejournaling
get older?: Yes
do anything you regret?: yep
go to any parties?: Yeah
accomplish anything?: I like to think I did
make much money?: Yep, and blew the majority of it on being frivolous
attend a wedding?: No
attend a funeral?: No
get any new family members?: No
move away?: nope
gain any new perspectives?: Leadership
get into a verbal fight?: yeah
get into a physical fight?: Nope
attend any sporting events?: nope
get arrested?: not this year
wreck your car?: No
get a new car?: Nope
make any big purchases?: not really
get kicked out of a store, restaurant or any other kind of business?: No
get fired from a job?: No
get offered a job?: Yep
get a raise at a job?: Yep, and it wasn't minimum wage going up this time! One at Wal-Mart and one at Louisburg!
learn anything?: Mhmm
dump your bf/gf?:  nope
get dumped by your bf/gf?: Nope
suffer from illness or injury?: nothing serious
change as a person?: In my opinion I think I changed quite a bit
get any new piercings?: No
get any new tattoos?: No
attend a concert?: One show, as well as The Black Eyed Peas
crowd surf?: UNfortunately there was none at the balck eyed peas
travel out of state?: mmmhmm, Florida
read any books?: Yup,  a load
travel out of the country?: mmhmm
spend much money?: Yes, 
download any music?: Yeah...
try out any new looks?:  none that serious
sign up for a myspace?: ahah yup
sign up for a facebook?: cheaaaaaaaaaaaaa
eat a food that you had never eaten before?: yes
go golfing?: no
go bowling?: yep
go to many parties?: yes.
start to resent something or someone that you used to like?: ahah yeah

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