BNP on the BBC

Oct 22, 2009 23:51

Tonight the BBC turned over their flagship political debate programme to a despicable one-eyed figure of hate - not 'Pudsey' the children in need bear, but Nick Griffen, leader of the fascist BNP. I was proud to be part of the thousands strong demonstration outside the BBC headquarters in West london tonight, protesting his appearance on Question Time. There are so many entrances to the BBC and the police pressence was so massive we never really stood a realistic chance of stopping his appearance but I honestly believe that opposing it was the right thing to do.
The British media for the past week has been full of this debate. One side says that every political voice has a right to be heard. The liberal counter argument has mostly agreed with this but has questioned whether this particular programme is the appropriate forum. My argument is that there is nothing wrong with censoring fascists!
Oswald Mosley and the British Union of fascists may have had every legal right to march where they wanted in the East-end of London, but it was right to organise to stop them at the battle of Cable Street. Every time the fascists are allowed to get their message out the following happens:
1. Their politics reaches a wider audience
2. They increase the perception that they are a "normal" part of our society.
3. Those who sympathise with their views are given encouragement to voice them, even through violence and murder
4. They spread further intimidation into the communities who would be their victims.
This is why thousands of us protested outside the BBC and why the BNP should never have been allowed on air. We failed to stop the show, but we did bring together thousands of anti-fascists, many of whom had never taken part in a protest before and who now are more likely to become involved in future events. We also set the signal to whoever was watching - the BBC may treat the BNP as if they are any other mainstream party but there are those of us who can and will continue to oppose them wherever they show themselves. Their lies and hate should not go unchallenged.
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