Two Quick but Important Points

Nov 05, 2008 01:39

It is important that America has elected its first black president. But these two things are far more important:
  1. It is far more important that Obama did not win or lose the election due to his race. Neither side made race an issue. This means that instead of saying "A black person can be elected president" we can instead say "A person can be elected on the issues without regard to race." -- the latter is far more important.
  2. I predicted Obama's election... but I can not believe that Virginia... the capital of the Confederacy... the very heart of the old order... Virginia... went in favor of the first black president. That is unfathomable. This is something that would bring tears to the eyes of not only Martin Luther King but Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass too. It is unimaginable.
Obama is not my candidate (I voted for Brian Moore) but I will be honored to call him my president and I am so very pleased with my country. I am very, very optimistic tonight. Hurrah!
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