Sep 07, 2004 15:31
School today was really gay.. in connections it was borring bc all we did was that little agenda book thing.. then 1st hour we had to do a essay. :( And now I have to do the rough draft for homework due tommrow.. Then 2nd hour.. with that bitch dhart we have that gay ass solving problem homework that i dont get at all. Then 3rd hour was gym, I forgot my clothes.. so i couldnt dress. oh well.. Then art. Me mary steve and jeff just talked the hole our while we did our work.. so that hour was okay. Then Went to lunch.. it was a normal lunch, nothing really happend.... Then 5th hour, that was gay bc mr. fauning said to me emma and steve, that if we dont bequite and if we dont pay attention were gonna have to move bc he doesnt like the choises we made by picking that seet.. I dont like him now. Oh and he took away our note! WHATA DICK! Then finally 6th hour.. that was BORRING! we just picked out our books and get homework passed out to us... :-/ So I have math homework english and social studies.. :( Emma is supposed to be comming over and were gonna do the homework together.. she is kinda like my tuitor.. bc i dont get anything and she does, so thats good. Oh.. and on the bus zack was like making fun of me how steve doesnt liek me(he siad i was hot!! EEEE!!! :)!) And yeah but anyways he was makign fun of me and also he said to ailene that she cant get a boyfriend and he can get a girlfrind, so me and emma started yelling at him and making fun of him and calling him conseeded.. so he movied to the front where all the 6th graders sat, and he was yelling at us from up there yelling please dont be mean to me!!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! And his voise was crackling.. so it looked liek he was gonna cry.. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Well he deserves it for making fun of everyone. Whata fag.. But me and emma are gonna be mean to him for one more day, and when we get off the bus tommorw were gonna be like, okay that was a lesson to teach you to not be conseeded, i hope you learn form it zack. And hopefully that will whip him into shape! Tonight i have soccer practice at 6:-8:0 then im gonan take a shower.. then get my stuff ready for tommorow.. then talk on line then watch tv then go to bed...