Apr 19, 2004 12:33
I've been.. annoyed.. lately (well, for a month or two..) with some of the things that people have been writing in their journals. I've hesitated to mention it because: a) I guess nothing really matters and b) I didn't want to be mean/an ass/whatever. However, for lack of better content, I'll bore you with a long-winded complaint.
There are some of you that speak so harshly about the grammatical errors of others, yet you add unnecessary commas, (<--like that one!) and put apostrophe's (<--like that one!) where they are not needed. I have also noticed a repulsive amount of to/too and their/there-type errors.
It's ridiculous (and semi-nauseating) that you pretend to be on some level higher than everyone else. Everyone makes mistakes. Your errors are just as horrid as everyone else's errors. Stop acting so superior. It's rude and makes people dislike you. ;)
I can't remember the last time I made a grammatical error on an essay in school, but I don't constantly brag and shove it into the faces of less fortunate people. Sure, I pick on people every once in a while or get a little frustrated when I see someone that's in college write something like "I want too go to class to." However, I do not make it a habit to put myself on some sort of pedestal.
At one time, I thought that I was intellectually superior to many people. I have since grown up and realized that even if I am, it doesn't matter. I have not abandoned my intellect and knowledge; I have just worked on my social skills and learned how to have fun.
Seriously.. which will get you further in life: having connections or knowing how to diagram a sentence? Having connections. Sad but true. ;)
I would rather be able to hang out with and interact with real, normal, easy-going people than have to constantly search for someone that might half-way understand the psychobabble that comes from my "intellectual" side.
Real people are loyal, humorous, fun, entertaining, etc. - and they aren't as dumb as one might think! In fact, they are probably just as intelligent as you are.
They're even intelligent enough to know that it means absolutely nothing in "real life." I am not saying that anyone should abandon Voltaire or forget the theory of blah blah blah. I'm just saying that we should all calm the fuck down on the "I'm better than and smarter than everyone" crap. Get over yourself. Please. :)