I was looking for an editorial to turn in to JRN 131 tomorrow, so I went to the Corsicana Daily Sun's editorial/"opinion" page. I was disgusted. I ended up emailing Steve-something and telling him that his editorial is "what not" to turn in to my prof. (His article was about "what nots." see:
Corsicana Daily Sun online)
The water in my fish tank is already looking a little murky! =/ I guess I'll exchange some of it with new water tomorrow.
Anywho, I finally finished my feature story. It's lame and ended up being about my fishies. Don't ask. :)
Now, all I have to do is print out an editorial and someone's column and I'll be able to get off of this horrid machine and take a shower/go to sleep. Yay. =)
Night. ;)