Feb 04, 2005 16:51
Alas, I have reached a point of despair. Not of total despair, mind you. I realize that high-schoolers are fickle and, yes, sometimes quite stupid. I also realize that the majority of the human race is comparitivly idiotic to what i have been exposed to. Yet these thoughts do not console my reasons for anguish, on the contrary, they only enforce such feelings. Throughout (nearly) the entire history of humankind we have battled ourselves; our own race, different races, our fellow countrymen, even. We fight and we fight, and we die and die. And then we fight some more. It seems that the only end humankind will find lies within the destruction of our world. No, I do not plan on becoming a terrorist, though if i woke up one morning and half of the people of this world were missing, I doubt I would mind much.
We read books such as Lord of the Flies. Books with obscure titles, yet abysmal meanings and lessons. We read and even write these books, yet we do not heed said lessons. We re-learn the history of the world; our darkest hours portrayed by a series of multiple choice questions. Our inhumanity has become virtually omnipresent in modern society, and that which isn't, can be easily found at your local library. Yet we still manage to repeat our mistakes. As has been said time and time again, history repeats itself. And it will continue doing so, until we, as ONE PEOPLE, take some initiative and do something serious about it.
Remember that I am, in fact, still amazingly happy with myself and the majority of my life. Which is one thing that I can find shelter in. The sole fact that a person, myself, who has reached a full realization of man's inhumanity to man (much fuller than portrayed here) could continue to lead a productive and wonderful life, provides me with much hope. Remember that when Pandora's box was opened hope escaped along with all of the pain of the world. And though this hope can be, at times, most dificult to find, we must not abondon the search. We must not abondon hope, for there will be an end to this pain and suffering. Some day we will all be able to sit back saying,
"I have done my part," and rest. Whether we reach this goal together or one by one (in death) we will all meet the same fate. An eternal rest, life eternal, nirvana.
But those of you reading this most likely have a good... 50 or 60 more years to go. And your children will have more than that, and theirs, too. Though we will all meet the same fate, we must never cease to try. When failure strikes, we must re-double our efforts. Is it not true that one moment of happiness can out-do 100 of sorrow? For the only force stronger than the inherent evil of every person, is the strength of their heart.
With that: boycott school, eat meat, support hydro-electricity, and save a horse; ride a coyboy.
ticky-ticky timberlake.