(no subject)

Mar 08, 2005 22:04

the detail of my life are minute and inconsequential. therefore, i will attempt to maximize the possibility of complaining. I HATE.... OGT? yes. I hate... drivers ed? yes. i think i may have flunked the test, oops. i hate... stupid ADD tendencies. I hateeating nutella out of the jar at 10 PM... only I love it. I hatethe female complications i place into the uncomplicated personal lives of those who truly know no such complications. Also, I hate random bruise on hip bone... anemia, anyone? I guess I'll work out, it makes me feel good, that and it compensates for the nutella. oh, my love handles are depleting their resources. they can no longer produce enough to sustain their girth, so they are feasting upon themselves.

mmmm chocolate. Hannah's dad is having surgery in cali, pray for him and such, if you pray. If not, send presents. or i don't know, create a diety, try parking cones, i haven't heard much about them lately.

I think my foot smells.

Also, Iris just started playing. ::sigh::

i just don't want to miss you tonight.

touched by an angel last night was incredibly sweet. and im not saying this as a desperate attempt to portray my feminine side, but it made me cry. It was phenomenal. way to be, old black singing angel lady. they're always the best.

i found five dollars today. YES! I also found five dollars a week or two ago. YES. this is sweet!
but i unintentionally stole five dollars from the government. don't worry, i'll get it back to them. they need that extra five. it'll buy another foreign -produced bomb, probably through child labor, which we can use to bomb that bastards who made it for using child labor.

"so do you remember the other day when you were asking me about the definition of irony?"
"I think this abou-- AHHHHHHH::as baby stuie octopus leaps on faces of the two men::"

ohh. only hope now. I know YOU'RE my only hope. that's right, I'm talking to you. bizatch. biznatch? Bizzlizitch? yeah, that'll work. You can bite me. hard. mother fucka'.

i did it, yeah, there's an R on the first and the second was dropped. lets fight.

for the past about... week or two... I've been feeling quite hostile. Not just random explosion hostile... but you know. maybe you don't. Chuck Palanuik puts it nicely in fight club, twice acctually.

"I felt like destroying something beautiful."
"I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every panda that wouldn't screw to save its species."

so fuck you panda.
you cute fuzzy bastard. kiss my hairy, white ass.

I did, in fact flunk the driver ed. test. although, i only missed questions that will not endanger anyone's life on the road. stuff about what determies your BAC and what a weave lane is and such. don't worry, im still safe. also, they should learn to write better questions. Umm. Cheese stick!
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