Weekend at Galveston

May 07, 2007 13:28

Opening my office email a while ago, I read that this was what was sent to me over the weekend.
"With some leisure time at your hands, you'll find an opportunity to start fresh in some area that you've been challenged by, R. Try to find the courage to examine yourself and your attitudes toward adverse situations. Armed with your new knowledge, you might surprise yourself with a new insight that allows you to approach an old problem in a different way. You'll discover that you have more power than you thought."

An enlightening weekend indeed.
We had an "assignment" for our pre-wedding counselling sessions about "handling confflicts" and never did we knew that this will be put into practice
It was very funny coz we encountered a very challenging scenario in this island after our late night dinner.
We encountered a life and death situation - and with some miraculuous intervetion, survived without broken bones, scratches and what have yous/
Our PT Cruiser, drove off the SeaWall.
An accident.
We were on our way home, and we needed to make a turn while running 35mph, the car swerved, and fell off - no indication that it's the edge of the road all ready as there were no bumpers, no reflectorized painting.. miraculously though, it managed to survive the 12+ ft drop off on its 4wheels upright

When the car swerved, I felt that something was NOT right.. I felt it coming off the road and the car crashing down. All I could say in my mind was "Thank you Lord.. Thank you Lord" Give thanks in all circumstances daw.. and I was praying.. and thankful for the sense of peace that I have despite the whole thing.

After a second, it was over.
The car was on the sand. and passers-by made sure that everyone was all right, and no person was hurt.
"YOU ARE BLESSED!" was the first statement I heard.
It was surreal.
No one survives those kinda crashes they say. No one fall that way, either the car tilts, or rolls over, all of them nasty - not like what we had.
It was not natural.
It was unbelievable.

The teeners who helped us call the police and the towing guy was just a coincidental thing coz it was not a place for them to hang out being a restaurant strip and it being late at night - the area was actually secluded and they just happen to come out for air since their aunt was in the hospital for the past 2 days and they just wanted some air.

If not for them, we wouldn't know what to do.

Miraculously, the jump was just a literal fender bender and they were able to drive the car once they were able to dig it up from the sand. It was towed and we were informed that it could be replaced with another car from the rental company - and them paying for everything else since we got insurance for it.

It was a miracle
It NEVER happens that way.

For us, the miracle was not only surving it all, but we got to see how each other reacted, took charge of the situation, gave each other support, managed to get through it all and processed the whole thing afterwards.

The best part of it?
We felt closer to each other and we felt closer to our God.

Oh yeah, we figured that there was a message of some sort in that situation that we shared together. And when we got back to the location the next day, there, on that spot where the car swerved - there was a message on the wall - written down the seawall:
"In all places where I will record my name, I will come unto thee and I will bless Thee Lord. Hallowed by Thy Name."

We acknoledge your presence oh God.

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