vein thing

Jul 07, 2005 07:04

alright so yesterday (wed) i went to the vein doctor to see bout my legs. if uve seen my legs u kno wut im talking about. well turns out that theres this valve at the top of this vien thats supposed to be closed when im standing and open a lil bit when im sitting but mines retarded. the hole thats supposed to be small is insanely big and just stays open all the time so i have severe something that starts w/ a re which means that blood thats suppossed to be going to my heart is just flows back to my leg resting in the veins that u see popping out of it.heres a diagram thingy that they gave me. and yes the valve is right by my crotch just so we get that outta the way.

they did an ultra sound on my legs...not very pleasant. the doctor and nurses treated me like i was some medical marvel b/c i was so young and this happened and they dont know why. apparently the vavle that goes to the major artery in my leg is huge too but they sed that was ok. i guess good news is my viens definately arent clogged? so i put a claim in to my insurance so in a couple weeks ill have to have this surgery where they burn the valve close and ill have to wear a brace for like 2 weeks. fuuuun. im only doin the left leg. they sed for now well leave my right leg alone which isnt that bad. so...just to let u kno...
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