Title: Hellhole VI: Death and Life
Author: Guede Mazaka
Rating: NC-17. Graphic violence and character death. Some main characters dead previous to beginning of story.
Pairing: Mainly, Will Turner/James Norrington,
José Gaspar.
Feedback: Favorite lines, constructive suggestions, etc. are all welcome.
Disclaimer: None of this is mine except these versions of Jacques and José (sort of).
Notes: Jacques uses the occasional French phrase (still shouldn’t interfere with reading); translations upon request. //words// in Spanish. Modern-day parallel universe. Jacques looks like Brad Pitt, and José like Antonio Banderas. Some supernatural stuff. Special guest from Shrek II. ‘Chewing boots’ is courtesy of
fuzipenguin and her kitty.
Summary: In which some things finally end, and some get on with life.
“Maybe.” Jacques crawled over and molded himself to Jack’s side as all three went down to the floor. “But we’ve earned it. I’m exhausted, and if I never see another goat’s knuckle, it wouldn’t be too long.”