From Toni Bowers' blog post headed 'Should technology push out cursive writing instruction?':
"More and more states are opting to drop the teaching of cursive writing because of technological advancements. What do you think?
Indiana just became the most recent state to no longer require schools to teach cursive writing. Instead they will require them to teach keyboarding in elementary schools.
As with any kind of decision like this, there are supporters and detractors. The supporters say that it’s a progressive movement and that technology has made it so that cursive writing skills are no longer needed. They argue that it’s a waste of time teaching it.
The detractors say that when children don’t learn cursive writing that they will be unable to read handwritten notes from elders or in historical documents." - Quite apart from the inevitable pleasure to be derived from being an elder forever handing out impenetrable handwritten notes to uncomprehending youths, one has to ask what...the...fuck are parents actually doing these days? If reading and writing skills aren't being handled at home, and the expectation is that such things should be offloaded onto teachers at school, should these people not have their know...switched off? Gah.