Facebook's Martyr of the Week.

Nov 23, 2010 21:07

'A Church of England bishop who made "deeply offensive" comments on Facebook about the royal engagement has been suspended from his public duties. The Bishop of Willesden, the Right Reverend Pete Broadbent, said the union between Prince William and Kate Middleton would last about seven years. He apologised for the remarks on Monday but has been asked by the Bishop of London to withdraw from public ministry "until further notice".[...] when the news of the engagement broke, the bishop wrote on the social networking site: "We need a party in Calais for all good republicans who can't stand the nauseating tosh that surrounds this event."'

More here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11822681

Other revolutionary duties take precedence tomorrow, naturally...


Update: Really, BBC? Really?



my country's knackered, links, academia, hoo-hah, london kills me, holy crap, meeja whores, a little bit o' political incorrectness

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