We know exactly what's missing from your life* - a cameo featuring Sam Elliott!

Jan 14, 2010 09:07

Unrelated bonus link of sublime pointlessness:


(There will now be a brief intermission.) Edit: Briefer than you might've hoped. ;o) For those who missed the 'action', from which I'm keeping a safe - even diplomatic - distance, here's the ghastly public face of it...


...everything else has been shuttling to and fro via e-mail. Still is, in point of fact. (I'm glad some of you feel comfortable about splashing your opinions across the blogosphere - even in ostensibly 'protected' entries - but that associated taint of worthlessness actually translates into a negative cash value further down the road. There's quite a good argument for saving such 'freedom' for your memoirs, and capitalising upon facts now. However, I've made that particular case before...)

*Apologies to any self-centred whackjobs who took that personally. Get some help. NOW.

academia, philosophy, films, gaffneys, curios, links

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