If you're disturbed about that frightful Mrs. A* and other germy terrors, get jiggy with Ag+.

Sep 29, 2009 20:23

This is really a public spin-off from private correspondence elsewhere about - of all things - the Silver Nano keyboard on my Samsung NC10. Although a couple of people "helpfully" pointed out to me the slightly alarmist forum-based debate over Samsung's allegedly good intentions vs. perceived concerns regarding involuntarily inhaling lungfuls of this particulate muck (honestly, it's like a virtual madhouse out there: http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=341232 and http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=320455), Laura Landro has contributed quite an interesting piece on the whole (related) fear-based industry springing up around putting anti-bacterial agents on everything:

"They lurk on the kitchen sponge, your computer keyboard and the dirty laundry. Flush the toilet and they become airborne. Strangers leave them behind on airplanes, gas pumps, shopping carts, coffeeshop counters and elevator buttons. Your desktop, office microwave handles, and the exercise bike at the gym are covered with them. Don’t even think about the toys at day-care centers or the kids’ playground equipment.

Germs - the microscopic bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa that can cause disease - cling to the most common surfaces and then hitch a ride on our hands. As swine [']flu spreads from person to person around the world, it is most often being transmitted by coughing or sneezing, but it can also infect people who touch something with flu virus on it and then touch their mouth or nose, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns. And like an unwelcome house guest, a flu virus can hang around for days."

More here, in her WSJ piece: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703787204574440983321928144.html

Don't be afraid. This entry has been given a good going-over with a Dettol spray:

Blimey, that looks weird...


Unrelated Edit: The various arguments already seem to have entered a metaphorical Twilight Zone, but if anyone can let me know why they think Rowling deserved such a medal in the first place, feel free to enlighten me:



bad science, economics, colonials are so amusing, friends, writers, links, techie goodness, hoo-hah, e-mail, a little bit o' politics

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