Bacon, lettuce, AND tomato, you say? You should definitely tell people all about that...

Aug 15, 2009 19:59

'Twitter is mostly used for pointless babble and conversations between people, a study shows. Marketing intelligence firm Pear Analytics found that 40% of the tweets flowing on the site were about someone eating a sandwich or some other "pointless babble," and 37% were parts of conversations.'

More delightful, prejudice-confirming details here:

The company's official line on the research here:

Edit: Some of the comments (i.e. the ones not riddled with typos and/or general sheep-like f*ckwittery...baaaaa) are completely on the money, e.g. "Smithwill"'s...

"On Twitter as in life, there’s a whole lot of self-promotion and BS out there. It’s a way to connect sociopaths and people bent on self-flagellation and give everyone what they want when they want it."

i fucking hate twitter, gaffneys, techie badness, marketing, links

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