And "editorialize" is still a f*cking horrible word. It sounds like a lavatory cleaner that's just never going to rival Toilet Duck, either on grounds of cuteness or efficiency.
However, the concept of people waffling needlessly about something, before getting on with the (slightly) more SRS BSNS of bloody well posting links to things on TEH INTERWEBS is central to this project...sort of. Whether it's as OMIGOD Earth-shattering as the BBC would like us to believe is open to conjecture but, more importantly, it's open to you.
Yes, you.
So stop moaning about your favourite file-sharing websites being zapped by nasty men in nylon shirts, and get involved: Or...don't. (It's only schedule-filler, designed to keep a few Tarquins at the Beeb in expense account lunches and replacement iPod cables for the next few months.)