I tend to side with the late, great Bill Hicks on this one, in finding it curious that these pro-life people don't spend more time picketing graveyards with their banners and placards.
"A poll has found that more than half of Americans now call themselves pro-life rather than pro-choice on abortion. Gallup said that 51 per cent of Americans now describe themselves as pro-life, the first time a majority gave that answer in the 15 years that the pollsters have asked the question."
More here:
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/barackobama/5332796/More-than-half-of-Americans-now-pro-life.html ____________________
Unrelated (amused) sidenote to J: If it wasn't for that old "packaging vs. content" argument, and the fact that it seems to be the word rather than the implied action which upsets people, I might be tempted to adopt this avatar for comments so prefaced...