Apart from its appalling use of the non-word "laptopper"...

Apr 27, 2009 12:48

...here's an otherwise excellent post from FSP on the use - or possible misuse - of technology (specifically laptops, as you may have gleaned) in the conference setting:


The existence of relatively unobtrusive netbooks isn't covered, but the issue of paper vs. tech is, and I share the sentiments expressed in the post.


Edit: Meanwhile, the recent OU study (on behalf of HEFCE) "Diversity in the student learning experience and time devoted to study: a comparative analysis of the UK and European evidence" (http://www.hefce.ac.uk/pubs/rdreports/2009/rd06_09/) doesn't paint British students as complete slackers:

"While the report shows that UK students spend fewer hours each week on their studies than other European students, it points out that this does not necessarily have a bearing on the quality of learning outcomes. It suggests that the tradition of greater autonomy in the UK student learning experience, and also the closing gap between full- and part-time may, in different ways, enhance the quality of learning." - http://www.hefce.ac.uk/news/hefce/2009/cheri.htm

What a relief.

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