Doing it for the kids: Dollhouse S01E10...

Apr 25, 2009 13:29

...and why X-Men Origins - Wolverine's multiple endings might increase piracy, rather than cock a snook at it.

First off, is that indexing system for Dollhouse episodes (implying, as it does, the potential for more than one series) veering towards optimism or threat now? I suppose Whedon could always try squeezing a movie out of the concept, but I doubt that last night's show would've gained many pro-second season advocates.

Hold tight. Here we go...

Topher: "You were no fun as Echo's handler, and now you get to be twice as no fun as head of security." Hmm. Topher's poor grasp of mathematical concepts thus explaining nearly everything that's gone wrong with the technical side of the Dollhouse operation thus far, presumably. (Zero multiplied by two, squared, or halved, is still zero.)

Life after death = really bad shoes. (Whedon the humanist again.)

Margaret (inside Echo, but not in a saucy way): "And this body..!" She's squeezing her breasts. Yes, I sense an instant cash refund demand approaching...

Uh-oh. Inadvertent Oedipal scenario moment. Suddenly it's Back to the Future, but with death and horses.

Margaret (still inside Echo, but possibly speaking for Eliza Dushku in a career context): "I should've stayed dead." Given how much this show blithely rips off the work of William Gibson, I'm still not seeing Dushku as a possible Molly in any cinematic version of Neuromancer. How could she be expected to "act" with mirrorshades covering her eyes?

"Elmo" for "emo" confusion. Excellent! All moods and mental states should be related to muppets. Personally, I'm feeling a bit Fozzie right now...

Topher (conveniently summing-up the episode for latecomers): "This one's going nowhere."

So true.


It's a bit desperate, but clearly more part of Fox's serious Blu-Ray disc promotion policy (which reportedly may be the only official way fans will get to see the re-shot and ditched pilot episode of Dollhouse, complete with Whedon commentary track), rather than an attempt to get anyone but hardcore Wolverine fans tearing up and down the country just to see what's different:

(Story's in the URL.)


Late bonus: Chewing gum may improve academic performance...suggests study sponsored by Wrigley, the chewing gum manufacturer.



Final addition: Courtesy of helice, humans are crap, and we should aspire to be Vulcans...


academia, films, marketing, bad tv, friends, links

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