A date for your diaries...

Apr 10, 2009 04:00

21st of April, 2009:



"Irrelevance of Easter" Edits:

1. Despite the respective failures of Lindt, Cadbury, and/or Thornton to copyright the non-word 'chocolatier' (no relation to the Dumas text The Three Chocolateers), and the fact that you need to travel to Vancouver (an unreal place invented in the early 1990s by a hive mind in Hollywood primarily to save money) in order to pursue a study programme and actually become one, the praise and celebration of cocoa-based products is a legitimate reason to skive off work for a few days. Moreover, the active worship of candy egg and rabbit shapes, in place of making a modicum of ritualistic fuss about a troublesome and irrelevant deceased Jewish children's entertainer (nailed to a Roman woodworking project over two thousand years ago) is a belief system currently under investigation by Doc Eric "Supercool" Melonekopf, and likely to be the subject of a three-part television series later in the year (contracts - especially the Belgian/Swiss sponsorship one - pending).

2. Some of you are variously waiting for notes on theory, 20th Century Fox Blu-Ray release schedules (see previous correspondence regarding piracy concerns, Whedon's abandoned Dollhouse pilot "makeover" and recorded commentary for same, etc.), and Melting the Buddha (nothing to do with 1, above, although wow - wish I'd thought of that angle sooner; missed a trick, there). Patience - it'll all happen soon enough.

3. Qualitative prefixes aside, it's still a Friday, so Friday Rules apply. ;o) Edit: Yes! Lando on the Death Star! And I win another tenner... http://community.livejournal.com/academics_anon/1625796.html (Cheers to K for the heads-up. *G*)

4. May your improbable egg-bearing bunny be with you, and have a great weekend.

forthcoming, going global, friends, links, techie goodness, libraries, in-jokes, holy crap, bad tv, e-mail

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