Grand National (I always want to say "Opera" after that) + Dollcrackhouse.

Apr 04, 2009 09:40

There's a horse called "Stan" running today (at odds of something like 80-1 100-1...hah!), so I'm under pain of being headbutted by a gargoyle with sharp, pointy little horns if I don't back that one. However, at a slightly more realistic 33-1, "Offshore Account" seems remarkably zeitgeisty. Just sayin'. *Wink.*

And on with the show...

Dollhouse S01E08.

Barely five seconds in, and Eliza's already in a basque. Ballard may look confused, but either the ratings are really starting to hurt, or it's a dream sequence...

"I know this is confusing for all of us...I'm sorry, but I have a thing she needs."

*Rolls eyes.* Bobby's definitely out of the shower now. Yep - dream sequence. Gratuitous one, at that. *Senses that Tracy Bellomo's script has been Joss'd up for the lads.*

"This house is out of balance."

...and that's why we're calling in a Feng Shui specialist. (Nah, save that for Season 2 and the new set.)

"Don't be melodramatic."

Too right, Olivia. They've got writers people for that.

"Even a good dog needs to be put down sometimes."

Well...once would probably do it. And I hate to be picky about logic, but why would you need to put down a good dog? (Good 'n' rabid, perhaps?) *Does the Alan Sugar pointy-finger thing.* Bellomo? You're fired!

Ooh...has Tango been out on assignment as a French-speaking Sally Bowles? (This show needs more Cabaret references.)

Eliza: "What year is it?"
Me (sotto voce): The year your career hit the buffers.
Techie Guy: "Two thousand nine."
Me (sotto voce): Tut. Twenty-oh-nine sounds WAY more sci-fi. Still, at least I'm not the only geek who keeps a handy glowstick in his office. Because you never know. *Nods.*

Uh-oh, here come the less-than-subtle closing song lyrics...

"The devil you know is better than the one you don't...we stay because we don't know where else to go."

Which probably sums up why folks are still watching this wheel-spinner of a show, gratuitous dream sequences featuring basques, or no gratuitous dream sequences featuring basques. Gah.


Late bonus: I'm amused that Twitter is at the centre of the latest URL-shortening kerfuffle...

...although, as regular readers will be aware, I even despise HREF tags with a passion. Having to hover a mouse-pointer over a link to see where the Hell you're going is bad enough, but putting blind faith in a TinyUrl re-direct, just for the sake of someone else's laziness convenience, or a misguided sense of aesthetics? Screw that...

i'm not a tipster...but, techie badness, bad tv, links

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