'Berners-Lee has no issue with targeted adverts, which he said offered online users an improved service, but is uncomfortable with using DPI to provide them. He likened DPI to wiretapping, and pointed out that companies could use it to learn a huge amount about our "lives, hates and fears".'
http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16742-internet-at-risk-from-wiretapping-says-web-inventor.html _________________________
A gem of a film came to light this week, courtesy of a DVD sale in a well-known supermarket. Somehow The Last Sect (2006 -
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0494746/) slipped under my undead radar which, given that it stars David Carradine as a descendant of Abraham Van Helsing*, and features lots of dodgy website malarkey, was no mean feat. Yes, it's horribly cheesy, but also refreshingly free of Twilight-style, "Look at my sullen expression, and inexplicably twinkly chest - I'm a vampire!" poncification.
Director Jonathan Dueck even let Carradine play his (far from Silent) flute in it.
Edit: *Yes, it is better than Demons (
http://www.itv.com/Drama/cult/Demons/). But how hard could that be?
Bonus Edit: Principally for the US-based, interested-in-my-sort-of-dystopic-Sci-Fi-films-predilections subset, here's where we you should be until the 25th of April - San Francisco. Why?
http://www.sfmoma.org/events/series/1303 That's why. *G*