Hislop can have these extracts from Nested Scrolls (the former cyberpunk author's "memoir-in-progress") gratis, because they've already turned up on Boing Boing:
'I’d meet the other canonical cyberpunk, John Shirley, two years later, when we were both staying with Bruce and Nancy Sterling in Austin, Texas, in town for a science fiction convention that was featuring a panel on cyberpunk. John was a trip. When I woke up on Sterling’s couch in the morning, John was leaning over me, staring at my face.
“I’m trying to analyze the master’s vibes,” he told me.'
Oh boy... It gets worse better, though:
'As we walked around Austin together talking, John had a habit of picking up some random large stone from a lawn, lugging it over to me, and putting it into my hands. Sometimes I’d be so into the conversation that I’d just carry the rock along for a few steps before noticing it.'
All I can think is, it's a good job John was into big stones rather than dog poop.
More here, if you can stand the pace of the man's egotistical wankery: