Jul 08, 2005 01:11
Welcome to my LIVEJOURNAL. It is FRIEND ONLY therefore you must read this entry and choose your destiny based on the facts given herein.
"There are days that I wake such as today with tranquility in my bones, slowly making it's way through my red highway. Spring cleaning my senses, stirring the winter, and hibernating my negativity throughout the year. This is my story, it's long and kind of wordy but I got nowhere to go and I'm no hurry. It's a reminder that life is how you live it. The tricky part is knowing how to know it. What scares me is that we are more capable than we allow ourselves to be. But I hold comfort in the thought of invincibility -- the binding contract stating we can dream in the proper steps, you only get one time, and I believe every breath is as precious as the next. I have yet to come full circle in lifetime and as I walk the path I can only claim what I've taken here as mine. What I leave with is up to me; which is why I carry lightly and only take with me what I need. As the seasons pass over time and this forest where i once walked that path of mine, someone will walk the path i once did, clearing that same trail all over again. I will know the answers when there's no time left, when I no longer wake with the sensation of breath, when the warmth from another is no longer in my grasp, and I no longer need to have anything to ask. So while I'm here this time is mine, before God takes me away to that song in the sky. This was my story, I hope you weren't bored (and I hope everything I sang matched all my chords). But let me say this one little thing, even when you don't sing, someone is playing those notes that you feel."
all right then. if you like what you read here and prior to this, go ahead and friend me or whatev. BUT i won't friend you unless you leave a comment here and let me know who YOU are. I've had my share of knock down drag outs over livejournal so i'm selective about my entries and my topics of choice. JUST KIDDING. if you don't like reading what i write, don't read it. If you got beef with what i think, tough shit. I write on here whatever i feel like writing. If you talk shit about me or do me wrong, i'll mention it and make sure everyone knows you're a dirtbag. if you're good to me and you're a good, honest person, I'll make sure everyone knows. I don't mind ripping you a new one when you deserve it (T13C) and i don't mind praising your goodness either. I'm a very firm believer in the saying "treat others the way you want to be treated." I'm just like that. Take it or leave it. I'm not a push over and you won't pull the wool over my eyes and i'm not an easy target. I'm brutally honest so read ahead with caution.
comment on this entry if you would like me to add you as a friend.
comment on this entry if you have something to say.
comment on this entry if you love me... hah.
comment on this entry if you feel the same as me about ripping new ones.
--be excellent to eachother.