Feb 26, 2006 20:33
so ive been kinda shitty, haha, what else is new. had all last week off, i had to go to boston for the first part, kinda sucked cuz its always boring there. then i came back and did nothing because everyone was busy. friday was my moms bday so we went out to dinner. then saturday we went to the city to see a broadway show. today i made plans with someone who cancelled to do something with someone else, yea sucks dont it? so i had to han out with this kid from school who i really dont like but i just had to get the fuck out. idk what is wrong with me, every time i get attatched to someone, wether romantically or just as friends, after a while it seems they just get bored with me and push me away. some of my so called "best friends" i never fucking see and i seem to be the only one who cares, i know its the same bullshit i say in every entry but i dont care. i honestly cant remember the last time i was truly happy, i know everyone says that but i cant even remember the last positve thing that has happened in my life whatever, im sure youre all sick of this