From the 22nd January 2007 online edition of the London Daily Mail, a story of how a
group of militant, man-hating feminists "ghettoized" the domestic violence issue. The article concerns Erin Pizzey, who is author of the 1974 book Scream Quietly Or the Neighbours Will Hear, the first book exposing the domestic violence problem, and Prone To Violence, a discussion of abusive women. She is also founder of Women's Aid in London.
article excerpts:
"They came out with sweeping statements which were as biased as they were ignorant. 'All women are innocent victims of men's violence,' they declared. . . . Slowly, the police and other organisations were brainwashed into ignoring the research that was proving men could also be victims. . . . Men can be accused of violence towards their partners and sexual abuse without evidence. Courts discriminate against fathers and refuse to allow them access to their children on the whims of vicious partners."