Jun 02, 2006 22:22
I dropped off my film today, to get sent out and processed. It's supposed to take ten days to come back. Ten days! A veritable eternity. I suppose in the meantime I can shoot some more film.
I also took some plain old digital pictures of the book lab, but Flickr seems to be out of commission at the moment. Alas. Instead of a nice fisheye view of the presses and the Space Needle, I'm going to have to post boring technical babble. I was thrilled (in a very type-geeky way) to discover where the rest of the 24-point Alternate Gothic No. 3 was lurking. It's in a case I haven't gotten to yet, in with at least two other sizes and faces of type (labeled Franklin Gothic, but I'm skeptical). This meant that I was able to set a handy informational sheet illustrating the differences between the three kinds of Alternate Gothic, so tomorrow I can try printing it.
I still haven't figured out any good ideas about rearranging the many scattered kinds of type so that they make sense and are usable. I will have to give that some thought, and possibly send the teachers an e-mail as well. They probably have some kind of system in their own shop that we can use, or adapt, or something. It looks like I'm going to run into exactly the same problem with the Franklin Gothic, too: a million versions and sizes, bold, italic, condensed, all scattered in amongst one another, and without any coherent order to be put back in. There will be an answer. I just haven't wrapped my mind around the shape of it yet.