Everything good is always so far away.
How long will it take? How many years will pay the cost?
I always dreamed it would be easy. I always hoped I'd find a magic ball that would take me home in an instant.
Do you remember when you said you could love me? Do you remember when you saved my life?
Where will you be when I walk out on the other side of this tunnel? Will you smile? Will there be any light left?
You say nothing remains of who you were, but the one who could love me is the one who caught me is the one right before me. I know you're wrong and your being here now proves me right. I'm all the more glad for that.
You know I don't think of you often. I don't have to. You're the blood in my veins.
Do you remember when you said you could love me? Do you remember when you saved my life? Do you remember what you said?
You'd do anything.
Well, I have.
I just need a hand to hold mine underneath the knife.
I'm looking into eyes that are coming to adore me. I can hardly stand it. "I'll never be able to love you," I say. "I'm a mess and always will be."
"That's okay."
Well, okay. A hand to hold; a smile for certain.
I don't know who I'll be when I'll know who I am but there comes a day when the risk to remain bound tightly in a bud is more painful than the letting go blooming, and we're a few years past that point now, aren't we, dearest?
No magic ball, no castle in the air. The problems persist and the solutions bring me no salvation but--
But I had a spoon to start with, and a sparkle of sunlight cast over my face; a leftover glimmer I've kept pinned to my heart since the second my eyes caught yours through a momentary blindness of strawberry and gold, the scent of that summer blown away on the breeze. A spoon to start with and a crack in the wall.
A mirror in my pocket; a smile for certain.