Oct 13, 2006 20:06
I have always loved Friday the 13th.
1. Because it doesn't happen too often, especially in October.
2. Luck, my dears.
3. I have no #3, hahaha.
Desipte any shit that may go down at work, it will not bring me down with it!
And btw, since about 7pm or so (so basically for the past hour, really, heh) I have felt somewhat like Master Shake.
Not in the usual "I'm over it. It's dead to me now,", though I'll definitely turn into that mentality later, oh yes. I don't know how really, but I have ... sort of.
And I have realized that Green Mountain French Vanilla coffee is the mother of all coffees and I refuse to drink anything else but that.... if I can help it, heh.
Oh, I want more coffee...
master shake,