the fastest Friday ever

Oct 05, 2007 13:40

Today has gone by ridiculously fast, it's insane. Well, yes today has been insane ... mainly for world related stories of one not-really-co-worker-of-mine (she works here, but for a different part of the company, as a whole. Digital Center vs. Call Center, yeah.)

Anyways ... it's been a good Friday. Nothing catastrophic happened. Machines are behaving. I'm not dead tired (I think it happened to me earlier in the week on Tuesday, where I totally just shut down.) Uhm ... and McDonald's has some might awesome coffee, I am surprised.

I'm on a McDonald's kick right now, sort of forcibly because of the Monopoly game (which I've done pretty well so far with my luck yesterday. A couple of double number spins in a row!) I am buying more food later in the hopes of acquiring SOME gift card ... preferably $500+ since the $50 isn't going to get me anything apart from some clothes or a new pair of shoes, neither of which I really need. I'm one property away from getting the $1500 gift card, which will go completely toward getting me a brand new MacBook, yo.

I ALMOST had a used iBook within my grasp for really cheap ($225??!) from a local dude selling it via Craigslist, but he opted to give it to his son instead. UGH, The Bastard! *shakes fist* Whatever... I'm sure the son can't appreciate the difference between a PC and a MAC.

What I do need though: a haircut/trim, an oil change +tire rotation+ a dentist appointment for cleaning (so dreading...), and concrete vacation plans to Las Vegas (for now.)

wants and needs, mcdonalds, life, work

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