doki doki (elevator) panic; strange dreams

Nov 09, 2008 11:41

Had a really crazy dream last night/early this morning. Short, but crazy.

Went on some overnight trip with the father and younger sister. Don't know why. I remember the hotel had 6 floors though. Only because I went back up to the room for something, possibly to use the toilet, even though there was a bathroom on the main floor down the hall from the bar/restaurant. I think the father was downstairs and Jo Anna was upstairs, but I remember watching the numbers of the floors pass as I went up (didn't think to question how I could see them at the time, dreaming and all.) But I passed the 6th floor and kept going. Red flag went up ... wait, what? I almost kind of knew what was coming but I didn't start to freak out until it happened. Somehow the elevator kept going despite there being a ceiling(?) in the way but I wasn't going with it. I was getting trapped in this elevator about to be squished to death unless I got myself out of the elevator. I managed to but I don't know where I ended up (fuzzy details) until the 2nd part of the dream starts. It's still night time more or less, and I'm still out with my sister but now the father has been replaced with my youngest sister. And we have a dog to take care of. This little pug or something. All black. Might've talked? Liked to eat poop, specifically its own (I attribute this to watching the Anchorman scene where he eats cat poop.)

The only thing that really stuck out was the elevator part. I did think about Vegas right before I went to bed, but the hotel I stayed in overnight was in New Jersey. The hotel in my dream definitely reminded me more of the Days Inn rather than Planet Hollywood. Didn't have too many floors either. 5-7 floors. Not sure why I'd be having nightmares about that place now after all this time. Freaky dream though. Not sure I've ever had an elevator dream like that.


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