I'm almost wide awake, it's past morning.

Sep 10, 2008 10:43

So I did not get chewed out at work. That's a surprise. I was instead praised for my attention to detail with creation and production. I suppose I should have expected this after the long and bizarre dream I had last night.

What I can remember...
* There was an upstairs skating rink/movie theater type place with maroon burlap walls. I remember having skates on and trying to walk down two flights of stairs because...
* By night there were concerts. I thought it might've been the Jonas Brothers (ahahaha, they're invading my dreams!)
* I went on some out of town trip with a bunch of people, Nila included, but somehow she was forgotten and was left at wherever we were. She ended up someplace else (to use a phone?) and called my phone because everyone left. The creepy part was that when she called me, my old phone rang. If anyone else called me, my current phone rang. Even in the dream, I thought that was creepy, haha.
* I was apart of some youth group type thing (well the only name I can come up with) the leader was very angry about not getting to do something exercise related, so we went bike riding
* And old friend of mine, Angela was also apart of the group. I'm not sure if Lindsey was as well, but it was someone I knew, at least in the dream.
* Live action smurfs?! Well some were, and some were cartoon-reality Smurfs.

So bizarre...


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