Phone woes.

Jul 26, 2008 22:02

So my phone broke. Kind of.
I have wide side pockets on my cut off camo shorts and my phone literally flew out of my pocket when I got into my car. It hit the ground pretty hard and now the screen has a big black crack in the center of it. My poor phone. :(

So now, I can either:
* just get a brand new phone at retail price (eh...)
* just not send text messages until January and get an upgrade (yeah right)
* use an old phone with questionable battery life and pay $50 to replace my screen.

I think I'm going with option 3 since I really do love my phone, it's just the replacement I'm worried about. Every old phone in the house has an external antenna (ugh) and the only one that doesn't is a Pink Razor but that's my sister's and she's pretty gung-ho about not getting rid of it since there are pictures on there she wants to keep. I'll try and convince her to let me borrow it for a short period of time.


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