83 and Sunny, mostly

Jun 02, 2008 23:44

So I didn't do anything today except make a deposit at the bank, and then go out for wings with Dan and Jen. It felt so good to do absolutely nothing for once. Score! Tomorrow looks like I am going to have to get shit done. Between the appointment at 10am to see an apartment in Pittston, there's also 3 phone calls I need to make. I hate making phone calls. :P I'm stopping by B&N to pick up a movie or two. Jen wants another book, so I'm going to pick her up after I see the apartment. I'm going to try and clean out the inside of my car too. It's a fucking mess. My father washed and waxed my car over the weekend and despite the thin layer of brown pollen, it looks fantastic. :D If I can at least empty my car out and vacuum the carpeting, I'll feel accomplished. There's also the windows that need to be Windex'd and the dashboard which needs to be Endust'd or something. A swipe of a duster is NOT going to get read of the dust that's accumulated. Hahaha.

I need to call someone about my driver side window too. Finally. It's got progressively worse since September (yes it's been that long.) It gets stuck so I don't know if it's a motor thing, or if the glass itself is off track. When lowering and raising it, I have to do it in little increments or else it won't budge and stays in place. It's a pain in ass.

According to weather.com, it's going to be 83 and mostly sunny. Fantastic! XD
Maybe by cleaning my car, I can even out the tan on my arms since my left one is obviously slighter darker (yet still pale, haha) than my right due to my driving positions.

I love love love love love having days off, whether I get anything done or not.
It feels wonderful!

to do list, day off, life

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