(no subject)

Oct 30, 2006 02:20

I am tired. Or full, seeing as I've just gotten home from dinner of wings and french onion soup, which was very good at Grotto Pizza. Mmmhmm.

Went to see the movie Running With Scissors with a very good friend of mine. Good movie! There's going to be lots of inside/running jokes now between us - but as if there aren't enough already.

Last night I met same friend, and two other girls for happy hour at the Woodlands, then we headed over to Outsiders for their Halloween party.
Well my costume included a cane. (I went as a German Shepherd. Shepherd/Monk robe, with a german flag on me, hehe. But I took it off in the bathroom before we left happy hour.) And the cane was THE toy of the night. Oh boy. My friend went from being a cross between a Jehovah's Witness gone awry and a politician (she wasn't dressed as anything) to a blind person once we got to Outsiders. Twirling that cane like nobody's business.

I had to take it away from her. Well actually my friend John/Buddy Christ (costume) took it away from her and then gave it to me and I kept it behind me for quite some time until I couldn't take her whining and pleading anymore, hahaha! Not even her coy seduction method of coming up really close and putting her arm around me, worked at trying to nab the cane from behind me! A grip of steel I had.

I fear for the people at Ole Tyme Charley's on Tuesdays. She'll be armed with two small (fake) swords and NUNCHUCKS! Hooooooly moly...!

Ninja monster, for sure. (Even more fitting since my friend's name happens to be Nila. Nila...Ninja, yeah?)

Oh, too much butter on those damn wings and not enough garlic (the half Italian in me, haha) and my stomach's getting angry with me.

I half feel like rotting my brain with no-needed television, and half feel like getting a start on homework, though which I'll want coffee to do so but I don't want to be on the uppers when I'm comfortably relaxed.

I kind of want to get cracking a new "painting" (I used that word very broadly) I've started. Markers are the medium, once again.
If I had watercolors, I'd used since I think that would work rather well.

Oooh well. Save for another time.

art, life, friends

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