lights, camera, action ... well no, just the lights

Mar 19, 2008 11:23

I need lights.
I need a certain look.
I know what this look is, but I can't find it because I don't know where to look.
What am I talking about?
It's all about/for my writing.

Ever watch a show/movie/music video/etc - something/whatever - and they show an establishment of any kind (mainly of the bar kind) that's all dark and really only lit by the jukebox and lights strung up on the ceiling and walls?

I need a place like that. Preferably if there ever was a real one in California in the Los Angeles area for continuity's sake. If not, I can deal.

A name to go with the picture in my head.

This will haunt me until I find that place.

Was supposed to go somewhere later and leave work early. Don't think that's gonna happen now. Am okay with that. Just want some more coffee. And maybe a nice, light, Perkin's/Denny's/IHOP breakfast. I had none this morning. I love breakfast but I love my bed even more.

Getting out of it is especially difficult anymore due to the sheer lack of interest I have in going to work these days. At least it's getting warmer out ... gradually.

writing, bar, story, los angeles

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