I have indeed set myself to countermine the whole PLOT of the Devil, against New England The City, in every branch of it, as far as one of my darkness, can comprehend such a Work of Darkness.
The Devil's PLOT has too long festered in this accurs'd place. I think, 'tis no wonder: Where will the Devil show most Malice, but where he is hated and hateth most. We have been advised by some Credible Christians yet alive, that a Malefactor, accused of Witchcraft as well as Murder, and Executed in this place more than Forty Years ago, did then give Notice of, An Horrible PLOT against the Country by WITHCRAFT and a Foundation of WITHCRAFT then laid, which if it were not seasonably discovered, would probably Blow up, and pull down all the Churches in the Country.
And We have now with Horror seen the Discovery of such a Witchcraft!
By even'ng tide I shall have Composed a worthy and most Terrible List of our brethr'n known to
practice WITCHCRAFT. I shall offer some safe Rules, for the finding out of the Witches, which are at this day our accursed Troublers!
[ooc: you have been warned, city. brief departure from hiatus today, b-because, well -- DUH. plus, I get to use "On Witchcraft" and call it studying! Expect a second post later today with a list of offenders. ILU COTTON MATHER. if you want to be accused later. let me know, foo'. ]