Stitch #20.

Jul 01, 2007 14:50

Insert appropriate complaint about the past week's weather here. It seems to have calmed down. A curse week? I do hope that will not become a trend.

I am aware that I missed a high-caliber performance of The Tempest. A shame. I hope Autor-san had a merry birthday.

The flood of new arrivals seems to have calmed. I am willing to answer any remaining questions you may have, though I find the frequently linked posts do cover the essentials far better than I could.


Sierra-san has not recently brought up the promise. We seem to have come to a standstill by virtue of never properly starting. The warnings I received in regard to the Thunderwitch's behavior, warnings I would heed from having read the entry myself, have fallen flat. I've twice left my apartment with no consequence.

I have more pressing things to worry about:

A To-Do List, for My Own Small Benefit

- Finish Zaheela-san's dress before the gala; make any necessary adjustments
- Challenge Kurotsuchi Mayuri
- Find appropriate gift for Autor-san

To think I would put the completion of a dress over something so important. Unacceptable? Disgraceful? There is little doubt. I gave my word that I would complete it, however, and once I challenge that man, I do not expect to have any time for sewing.

It has gone on long enough. Too long. Without the sanrei glove, I may die. That is a fact, even with the powers returned to me by Ryuuken, even as he called those I had had undeveloped, even as what I now possess far outmatches what I once possessed. In this City, the reishi concentraction is lower than even in Karakura Town, and the Shinigami do not rely on reishi as do the Quincy.

But to stand by and allow him to continue unchallenged, as I have done? To let myself offer dresses and insipid distractions? To think, "how dull" this City is, while that man harms others? One more strike against me, Grandfather. Do you keep count, or have you tired of it?

Without a roommate, the ticking sounds too much like a count down to death. It is fortunate that I lack the patience for morbid thoughts such as those.

unacceptable, wild wild weather, you make me sick, cirucci thunderwitch, he makes up in denial, defying logic, aftermath, ryuuken sucks, failing souken, oh god never no never ugh ew, the city, curse day, the quincy cross, i cannot stand arrancar, what am i...?, mean with a sewing needle, i hate kurotsuchi mayuri a helluva lot, fail, kurotsuchi-san, dresses are nice to make

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