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adamantined March 22 2010, 02:26:01 UTC
I don't think you should necessarily say that you're 'wasting time' just by being here.


anti_buttons March 22 2010, 03:04:54 UTC
No? When inevitably every person will forget their time, when it is meaningless. If our presence presented the end of the worlds, if there was a risk, there would be more for us to do.


adamantined March 22 2010, 03:14:50 UTC
You can't just say that things that might or might not be forgotten when this whole thing is over and done with are meaningless. You really think that meeting people here is meaningless?


anti_buttons March 22 2010, 03:17:54 UTC
Nobody remembers. And if someone happened to, what difference would it make?


adamantined March 22 2010, 03:24:08 UTC
It would make a difference. It makes a difference while you're here. Unless you just close yourself off to everyone and everything.


anti_buttons March 22 2010, 03:54:50 UTC
We won't be here forever, and then we'll forget.


adamantined March 22 2010, 03:59:51 UTC
Maybe we don't have to.


anti_buttons March 22 2010, 04:22:11 UTC
The harder you cling to the delusion of "choice", the more disappointed you'll be.


adamantined March 22 2010, 04:27:05 UTC
Why is it that you can't be positive about anything? Why can't you haven't even the slightest bit of hope that things, maybe, somewhere, might turn out okay? All you do is shoot people down.


1/3? anti_buttons March 22 2010, 04:50:34 UTC
I am positive about this: I will leave this place. I do not need hope, because I have confidence in


anti_buttons March 22 2010, 04:52:01 UTC
my abilities? Which were not enough when confronted with the Fourth Espada, or even the Eighth. In Kurosaki? Who became that thing

[ooc: THEEESE are more visible, if only to her, than they should be ty curse]


anti_buttons March 22 2010, 04:52:51 UTC
-the fact that there is no other option. Things will be okay, but it won't be here. This place will never change.


1/3 SORRY YOUR EDIT SURPRISED ME adamantined March 22 2010, 05:05:21 UTC
adamantined March 22 2010, 05:05:42 UTC
Circumstances in this place can change. Things can always change. Nothing is ever written in stone.

We were brought here for a reason. Maybe it's to make the Clock spin faster as some kind of result of our negative emotions fueled by the curses or... whatever theory of the week that you want to believe. But whatever unchanging reason, the fact that we're all here means that we've got the power to change it.


private | unhackable adamantined March 22 2010, 05:06:28 UTC
What kind of abilities?


1/3 SORRY THE "HERE" BUGGED ME! anti_buttons March 22 2010, 05:29:44 UTC
Having power is meaningless if it isn't employed.


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