Oct 02, 2009 16:10

As interesting as the riddle was and is, why should I really care about "bringing to justice" the perpetrators behind the so-called game?

All involved were moronic enough to trust in something impossible. And yet, Vivio-san I've little inclination to really involve myself in this City's trouble, as I've more than enough waiting for me in my world.

As eager as I am to escape this prison, it is difficult to forget that what I will be returning to is a hole through my chest, short half an arm.

Both very useful reminders that I wasn't strong enough. Yet again, and eventually Which, I'm sure, Ryuuken will only be too happy to reinforce.

affected, 'tis but a flesh wound, ryuuken is a terrible father, fml, he makes up in denial, don't force your morality on me, the pride of the quincy, kill yourself for recognition, i hate the city, ryuuken sucks, ryuuken is a dick, are you cool? symmetrical?, failing souken, keep your morality to yourself, curse day, i cannot stand arrancar, i hate kurotsuchi mayuri a helluva lot, i hate shinigami

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