Jul 26, 2009 22:42


[ Left outside the shounen 'tard apartment are a few wrapped packaged. Yes, wrapped. One tagged for Renji ( A pillow), one for Ichigo (duh), and two palm-sized pillows for Rukia. Her package also includes a note entrusting the defense of the first two items to her. OH AND THIS PORTABLE SEWING KIT for Allen, with the note, "Practice Practice Practice!" ]

[ As he returns to his apartment, Uryuu handles the door knob with relief. How embarrassing - how ridiculous. Having been barely able to move his fingers for days, having to call in sick to the crafts store! Because he had been moronic while not sleeping, and sewed to the point of damage. Having to thus delay the completion of what Kuchiki-san had asked!

Really. He shifts his sack of groceries from arm to arm, and encourages the door open with his foot. Kukiko slides against his ankle as he steps inside.]

action, the 4 eye sewer

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